Does this sound like you?
You often feel drained or depleted after being around others or in busy environments.
Protecting your energy feels like an impossible task, no matter what you try.
You crave a deeper connection to your spiritual intuition but struggle to quiet the noise of self-doubt.
You feel disconnected from your inner self and unsure of how to navigate your sensitivity in a chaotic world.
You want to learn practical tools to heal yourself and support loved ones through energy medicine.
You’re ready to take control of your energy and step into your power as a highly sensitive, intuitive being.
Hands-On Healing • Develop Your Intuition • Balance the Energy Body • Trauma-Informed Approaches • Culturally Sensitive • Spiritual and Scientific
A 3-Month Alchemical Portal Into the Invisible World of Energy
Energy Medicine is an ancient practice that takes a holistic, integrated approach to health and wellness. Drawing from various shamanic traditions and Eastern medicine practices, EM takes into account the mind, body, and spirit of the individual as one cohesive, symbiotic ecosystem, rather than isolating imbalances to a particular organ or set of symptoms.
Throughout the duration of our time together in Inner Alchemy, we will explore this ancient technology as a tool for both personal and collective evolution. You will learn how to empower yourself through your own personal energy management practice, so you can reclaim your energy from people, places, and things.
This process of inner alchemy will also involve…
Deepening your connection to your healed, wise, and well ancestors
Understanding the watered-down colonizer version of EM that is so prevalent in New Age spirituality today
Activating memory of energy medicine stored within your DNA
Integrating shadow parts which may surface throughout our time together
Connecting and sharing in a conscious, grounded community
Trauma-informed somatic practices to build self-trust and inner knowing
What Transformation Awaits…
Trust Your Intuition
Learn how to break through the veils and shadows which prevent you from deepening into self-trust and inner knowing. Explore the medicine of each clair sense and how these can assist you in sharpening your discernment.
Connect with Your Guides
Do you have a relationship with your guides? Are you curious if you even have guides? Throughout our time together we will invite your spirit team to connect with each of us and bring their medicine in to share.
Deepen Into Ancestral Wisdom
Our ancestors carry deep medicine for us, if we are willing to explore both the light and dark they carry. During our time together I will encourage you to deepen your connection to your healed, wise, and well ancestors and invite their medicine into our space.
Heal Thyself
Personal energy management is the cornerstone of a grounded, integrated spiritual experience. By learning how to do these practices on yourself rather than relying on an outside “healer”, you reclaim your self-sovereignty and empower yourself.
Connect in Conscious Community
Each week we’ll have an opportunity to come together virtually and share what is coming up for us and any questions you may have around the course. You’ll be added to a private Signal group where you can continue to build relationships and connect.
Evolve Beyond the “New Age”
In this course we will be discussing some of the dangers of watering down and appropriating ancient energy medicine techniques. You will learn about how to use your own discernment and identify red flags along your path, for self-protection and collective evolution.