Does this sound like you?

  • You feel overwhelmed and overstimulated from crowded environments, loud noises, and intense emotions

  • After social interactions, you come home and collapse on the couch in exhaustion

  • At work, you struggle to concentrate on the task at hand and find yourself teetering on the edge of burnout regularly

  • You feel weak and misunderstood as an HSP

  • Your partner may struggle to sympathize with your need for time and space to recharge

  • You were told growing up to just “toughen up” and that you’re “too sensitive”

  • At times, life feels like an emotional rollercoaster

  • One week you are on, confident, and living your best life - the next minute you feel the weight of the world on your shoulders and find yourself pulling back into your shell

  • These frequent mood swings leave you feeling emotionally drained

  • This struggle to manage your energy and emotions spills over into every aspect of your life - your relationships, your how you perform at work, and your overall quality of life

Reframe your relationship with your sensitivity…

We are the stories we tell ourselves…and for many of us, the story we’ve been telling ourselves about our sensitive nature has been mostly negative.

“You’re so sensitive”

“You’re such a crybaby”

“You’re weak-minded”

The more we internalize these messages, the more we DISempower ourselves. This course is designed to help you reclaim your energetic sovereignty, by empowering you with tools, practices, and exercises to support you in reframing your relationship with your sensitivity.

A Virtual Mini Course Designed for Highly Sensitive Individuals + Empaths

I’ll be teaching you the practices and techniques that helped me learn how to thrive as a HSP, so you can empower yourself to take back your energetic sovereignty ~ revitalizing your life force energy and reconnecting with the beauty of your sensitive nature!


What It Means to Be a Highly Sensitive Person

The Shamanic Perspective on HSPs

Reframing Sensitivity

Balancing the Nervous System

The Goldilocks Method

Reclaiming Your Energetic Sovereignty

Boundaries & HSPs

The Golden Bubble Meditation

Somatic Experiencing + the Vagus Nerve

Cultivating Inner Awareness

PLUS lifetime access to the recorded digital course, additional resources and guided practices sent directly to your inbox, and entry into our private Signal group created specifically for HSPs and empaths who joined the course, so we can continue connecting in community and supporting one another!

After completing this course…

You will feel EMPOWERED to call back your life force through…

  • Reclaiming your energetic sovereignty by learning how to consciously direct your energy flow

  • Establishing clear and effective boundaries to protect your energy and maintain healthy relationships

  • Cultivating practices to regulate and balance your nervous system, leading to greater resilience and emotional stability

  • Reframing your perception of sensitivity from a burden to a strength

  • Cultivating a mindset of non-attachment and resilience to stress, enabling you to navigate life's challenges with greater ease

  • Integrating self-care and energy management rituals into your daily routine to sustainably support your overall health and well-being

My Personal Story

For years I struggled with chronic fatigue, depression, overstimulation, and feeling disconnected from my Earth body. Throughout my childhood and early adulthood I felt extremely overwhelmed by this world. I often would wish I could just disappear or become invisible when out in public, since the sensory input and energies I would pick up from the poeple around me felt so invasive and exhausting.

It wasn’t until I began to learn more about highly sensitive individuals and empaths that I truly began to understand the nature of my nervous system and energetic body.

We all have an energy body and nervous systems, but highly sensitive individuals tend to differ in that they are much more sensitive to stimulus and energies around them.

A simple trip to the grocery store, a difficult conversation with a partner, or a night out with friends can leave HSP and empath individuals feeling absolutely depleted and in need of a full day (or two) to recharge and reset.

I am not exaggerating when I tell you these energy management practices I share with you in this course have absolutely changed my life for the better!

You don’t have to settle for exhaustion & burn out…there IS a better way!